Mix07 Day 1-Session 2
Saturday, May 5, 2007
For the second session I decided to go to a talk titled, “Developing Data Driven Applications Using the New Dynamic Data Controls in ASP.NET.” I should have known better than to go to this. Every time someone from Microsoft demonstrates the “power” of a grid control, detail control, or similar control they use the most trivial example and make the rest of us look like morons because our apps seem to require hundreds of lines of code to produce results.…
How to take down a web site temporarily
Sunday, October 16, 2005
Usually I rename web.config to web.config.bak while I make major changes to a web site. This causes an error page to anyone hoping to visit the site that I am modifying. In ASP.NET 2.0 you can take your web site offline and redirect traffic to a page that you can control its content (i.e. not an ASP.NET error page) simply by adding a web page called App_Offline.htm. Thanks to Erik Porter’s Blog for pointing this out.…