Would the Real SRP Standup
Sunday, December 12, 2021
This is a long awaited return to my TDD “series” that I started in 2005 with 1, 0, 0 in x seconds . In that post I talked about the development loop of test driven development, or the red -> green -> refactor method. I still strive for this today. But it’s gotten quite complex. This post will look at another aspect of good clean architecture by talking about SRP.…
1, 0, 0 in x seconds
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
I am fascinated with test driven development/design (TDD). I am reading everything I can get my hands on about the topic. I highly recommend a Microsoft Press book written by Ron Jeffries titled “Extreme Programming Adventures in C#”. TDD speaks to me as a developer in so many ways that I cannot even begin to explain. If I write a line of code, how do I know that line of code works?…