Installing Hugo
Tuesday, May 18, 2021
I’ve written about how Hugo saved my website and how to deal with page resources . (Although, I now use ![]() syntax for images.) But I haven’t really done any deep dives into Hugo. I’m going to change that now. This blog post is all about installing Hugo. The reason I’m writing this post is because installing it isn’t as easy as it should be. Linux Install I’m starting with Linux because it is the easiest.…
Hugo Page Resources
Friday, February 7, 2020
Hugo is a static site generator that takes markdown and turns it into a static HTML site. That’s how this site is running. I’ve been using it for another of my web sites, but I don’t like how it handles images. I found some code that would put a border around images and it looks nice. I use it on my other blog. But one of the hardest parts was figuring out how to handle page resources in Hugo.…
Hugo to the Rescue
Friday, February 7, 2020
In January I rebuilt my custom blog engine running on .NET Core 3.1. I pushed it up to a new Linux server in Azure. Everything appeared to be okay. So I left it and hoped I’d have the motivation to write some blog posts for it. Yesterday I wanted to see how to do CompactOverlay in JavaScript . I know I have a blog entry on that. I’ll just go to my website and find it.…