Sometimes Analytics Suck

Saturday, May 10, 2008

I recently added Microsoft Analytics to my site. I wanted to see just how few people read this site. In general I’m surprised that there are actually a few of you out there. My other web site does a bit better, but that’s usually because either someone is looking for a lame character from a TV show, or they’ve linked from a radio station in Florida. Either way you may have been faced with this Security Warning pictured at the right. The problem is that my site isn’t in your Trusted Sites list (rightly so you don’t know me) but Microsoft automatically added to that list for you. The 1x1 blank gif that Microsoft Analytics adds to my site to perform that tracking comes from and so is doing a cross trusted site query that throws this message up… on every single page. :-@

Please leave me a message in the comments to let me know if you are experiencing this and if it is annoying. I’ll then be forced to implement some other Analytics system. If you have any suggestions (other than Google) let me know.


This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

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